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TEACHING GUIDE: The Road to Peace - A Teaching Guide on Local and Global Transitional Justice

TEACHING GUIDE: The Road to Peace - A Teaching Guide on Local and Global Transitional Justice

(The Advocates for Human Rights)

The Discover Human Rights Institute at The Advocates for Human Rights has recently published a teaching guide suitable for 9th graders through to adult learners entitled The Road to Peace: A Teaching Guide on Local and Global Transitional Justice. This teaching guide contains ten lesson plans on conflict resolution and restoration of justice in the aftermath of war. The Road to Peace teaches about justice on a local and international scale, asking students to make connections between instances of justice and injustice in their own lives, and in situations where justice has been or is being threatened in other countries. The guide includes:

· Lessons on the root causes and costs of war and conflict

· Overview of human rights and different transitional justice mechanisms

· Mock war crimes tribunal and mock truth commission role plays

· In-depth country case studies

· Individual case studies on human rights abuses

· Investigative tools to study the need for transitional justice in the U.S.

· Skill-building resources on how to apply reconciliation on a local level

· Conflict resolution and peer mediation exercises

· Transitional justice glossary

· Resources for further study and action on peace and justice

To download this guide please click here, http://discoverhumanrights.org/3e4d356b-9922-4a97-afa7-918957e53e86...

crossposted from the The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is an open global netwoek of more over 3,000 practioners, students, teachers, staff from UN agencies, non-governmental organizations, donors, governments and universities who work together to ensure all persons the right to quality, relevant and safe educational opportunities. INEE is a vibrant and dynamic inter-agency forum that fosters collaborative resource development and knowledge sharing and informs policy through consensus-driven advocacy. INEE also has a website with a widerange of resources for those working on education in emergencies, chronic crises and early recovery - www.ineesite.org





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