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Introduction to Peace Studies PDPS200   Bert Jenkins (bjenkins@une.edu.au)

This unit commences by considering the meanings of conflict, violence and peace. Part II examines the nature and dimensions of conflict and violence in Australia. Part III looks at regional threats: the denial of human rights, conflict and the military. In Part IV, alternative means of dealing with threats to peace are examined at community, national and international levels.


The Philosophy and Practice of Nonviolence     PDPS301

The unit begins by examining non violence from a number of religious, philosophical and political perspectives. The wide range of alternative methods of non violence are then briefly examined. Using extensive case study material, the reasons for the success or failure of particular non violent campaigns are considered, along with ways of building peace.


Environmental Security    PDPS302

This unit allows students to undertake applied social analysis of changing social and environmental conditions in local communities. Case studies from around the world provide examples from post-conflict societies that are experiencing rapid social change. Issues include sustainable development, patterns of land use and conflicts over natural resources, experiences of social dislocation, environmental degradation and the resulting pressures on family, community life and culture. The unit provides students with the opportunity to critically analyse the practices and operations carried out by external agencies working with and for local communities and indigenous societies - including non-government organisations, government agencies and companies.


Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution     PDPS429

The first part of the unit, peacemaking, has national and international focus and deals with roles of mediators and negotiators in conflict situations in areas such as Africa, the Middle East and Northern Ireland. As conflict resolution theorists propound that the principles of conflict resolution hold at both the macro and micro levels, the second part of the unit looks at interpersonal conflict resolution in the contexts of education, organisations and the community generally.


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